3 Bold NBA Trades Heat Must Consider After Finals Exit

Miami Heat, NBA Trade Rumors
NBA Analysis Network

Ladies and gentlemen, it is over. The Denver Nuggets are your 2022-23 NBA champions. It is the first championship in the history of their organization.

Give this team their flowers – this was an incredible performance. Still, the Miami Heat deserves credit as well. Their run to the NBA Finals was the Cinderella story of the season.

Nobody expected this team to advance as far as they did. With that in mind, we should assume that they’ll be back in contention next season.

The Heat don’t go down easily. Could they make a trade this summer to improve their roster? It feels almost immediately as though they are being linked to some options.

The hottest name being tied to the Heat is Bradley Beal, who is working with the Washington Wizards to find a trade resolution. There are more options out there, though.

Here are three we think they should consider. 

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